Upload Documents
How do I store documents on emSigner?
Doc Store is an in-built document management system, along with workflow engines, that makes a 100% paperless office possible. It provides a secure document storage facility with the option to categorize and sub-categorize documents on the cloud.
Step 1: Login to emSigner account using valid credentials
Step 2: Navigate to the List of Documents page under the DocStore. Click on the Upload Document button.
Step 3: You can now upload your PDF or any other common document format. (Note: You can upload multiple documents at a time without exceeding a file size of 5 MB.)
Step 4: You will also have the option to categorize the documents by clicking ‘Browse Category‘ button. This will help you attach the document to the workflow. This is completely optional.
Step 5: Once the document is uploaded successfully, you will find it listed in the Active tab under the List of Documents page.
Step 6: The documents can be added through the cloud using the storage services Dropbox, Box API, and Zoho that are available in the emSigner application.
Step 7: The users are redirected to the respective login pages. Post login they can upload the document.
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