My Signatures

What do My Signatures represent and what are the available options for the user?

"My Signatures" typically refers to the section of the envelopes that is waiting for an action like signing or reviewing from the user. The user can access these envelopes and take action on them.

The initial grid will show the details of the envelopes, like the Created By, Date & Time, Envelope Name and Unique Reference Number. Each envelope will also have an "Sign/Review" button under the Actions grid.

The user can act on the envelope by clicking on the respective buttons. Sign/Review Document(s):

Clicking on the Sign/Review button will open the document. The user will have the options to recall the workflow, Decline, Delegate and Sign & Finish.


Clicking on the Download button will download the unsigned document.

Add Comments:

Clicking on the "Comments" button will prompt the user to input their comments and also give them the option to Notify all stakeholders


Clicking on the "Share" button will open a pop-up that will prompt the user to provide the email address of the recipient. The user can also provide the Message along with the email. An option to Share Attachments is also provided, which will send the recipient the attachments if selected.

Signing order:

Clicking on the Signing order will open the Signing Order diagram in the pop-up. This shows the pictorial representation of the status of the workflow.

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