What is VIDA signing and how can users use it to sign?
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What is VIDA signing and how can users use it to sign?
Last updated
VIDA is a market leader and trust service provider in Indonesia allowing users the ability to sign documents with legal validity in Indonesia. VIDA supports CSC-based signing and users having a set eKYC with VIDA CA can sign documents on the emSigner application. emSigner provides the users an option to sign documents using Cloud key for signing which is integrated with VIDA.
Below are the steps to show the emSigner Signing flow for registered users.
Step 1: Open the document that is to be signed and Click on the Signature placeholder. This will open the "Generate Signature Settings" pop-up.
Step 2: From the drop-down select the option "Cloud key for signing (powered by VIDA)". Click on "Apply and Preview" button.
Step 3: Click on the Sign and Send to proceed with the signing.
Step 4: You will be redirected to the VIDA portal where the Email Address and Mobile Number is to be provided.
Step 5: You will receive an OTP on the registered Mobile Number and this needs to be entered in the portal.
Step 6: Once the OTP verification is done the document will be signed successfully and the document completion page will be displayed.