Workflow Reports
What are Workflow Reports?
Last updated
What are Workflow Reports?
Last updated
The Workflow reports provide various filters to pull out data in terms of:
Workflow report
Document report
User report
Department report
Summary of Workflow report
This includes the full summary along with details of envelopes uploaded in both pre-defined and ad hoc uploads. The report also contains details on the average time taken per workflow to complete giving an idea of user productivity in the process.
Document Report
This report provides the details of documents initiated under various workflows. The total number of documents per workflow along with the average time taken per document are also provided.
User Report
This report provides the details of envelopes initiated under various templates by internal users.
Department Level Report
This report provides the details of envelopes initiated under various templates, department wise. The average time taken per department indicates the productivity of each department on the envelope process and provides data for department level optimization.