What does the "Drafts" section represent, and what are the available options for the user?
In emSigner, the "Drafts" tab displays the list of uploaded envelopes that have not yet been initiated.
The user can access these envelopes by clicking on the "Drafts" tab on the Dashboard after logging into their emSigner account.
The initial grid will show the details of the envelopes, like the Created By, Date & Time, Envelope Name and Unique Reference Number. Each envelope will also have a "Initiate" button under the Actions grid.
The user can act on the envelope by clicking on the respective buttons.
Initiate: Clicking on the "Initiate" button will redirect the user to the initiation page of the workflow, where they can add the signatories and other required fields and send the envelope for signing.
Comments: Clicking on the "Comments" button will prompt the user to input their comments and also give them the option to Notify all stakeholders
Share: Clicking on the "Share" button will open a pop-up that will prompt the user to provide the email address of the recipient. The user can also provide the Message along with the email. An option to Share Attachments is also provided, which will send the recipient the attachments if selected.
Mark as Inactive:
Clicking on the "Mark as Inactive" button will mark the envelope as inactive, which means that the envelope will no more be available for signing for the stakeholders. A pop-up message will be shown prompting the user to confirm the if they want to mark the envelope as inactive.
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