Initiate, Sign & Send (Web)

Step 1: Open the document that needs to be signed. Click on the More Options under the Home ribbon.

Step 2: Click on emSigner. This will open the window at the right. Click on “Sign Document”.

Step 3: A message “Please wait while uploading…” will be shown. The document will be uploaded in emSigner and a popup with the preview of the document will be opened in a new window.

Note: Allow the pop-up if it is blocked by the browser.

Step 4: Add the Signatories; Drag and drop the Signature placeholders.

Step 5: Click on the Signature place holder if you are the first signatory. Select the signature and click on “Apply and Preview”. Click on the “Send” button.

The document is sent to the second signatory in the workflow if there are more than one signatory. The Signed document can be accessed through the Completed Tab in the User Account Dashboard in the emSigner application.

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